In November of 2023, Woodward Avenue commenced the process of hiring our next pastoral staff member. The Associate Pastor of Worship and Discipleship will oversee the Worship Ministries and Discipleship Ministries of WABC. Please commit to praying for our team and this important work. Please pray for the pastor whom God is preparing for WABC.
Check back here frequently for updates regarding the search process. 

Meet the associate pastor search team

update: July 10th

Over the last few months, we have narrowed the search down to the man whom we believe God is calling to lead our Worship and Discipleship Ministries. God has made it evident that this is his plan as we worked through this process. On Sunday, July 14th, we will be presenting the candidate to our church in a special called meeting following the morning worship service. Please make plans to attend! 

update: April 14th

Over the last two weeks, our search team has been reviewing resumes, watching services, and learning more about our candidates for this position. This work has been so insightful to the qualified candidates that God has brought to us. The team met on Sunday, April 14th to begin the work of culling down the resumes to a shortlist. This process has been covered by prayer and much deliberation among the team representing our church. As for our next step, we will begin to reach out to and connect with candidates in this part of the process to gauge their interest in the associate pastor of worship and discipleship position. We will also be meeting this week to finalize theological and personal questionnaires to send to the candidates that we would like to learn more about. In this part of the process, we will also send a short introduction video about our church and community.  
God is already at work and we have unity amongst us as we move deeper into the process. Will you begin to pray for discernment among the team as we move forward with a shortlist of candidates? Will you continue to pray for God's man and his family that he is leading to our faith family?

Continue to pray for these things:
  • Wisdom and discernment for the search team. That God would make it clear to us who the man he has chosen for this position. 
  • Unity among our faith family

update: march 3rd

The Search Team met on Sunday, March 3rd to review survey results from the congregation. Our secretary, Tim Worley, is compiling all of the data to give us an accurate representation of the data so that we can interpret what our faith family is saying to us, via this survey. Thank you to WABC for your participating in this survey. We have been so overjoyed seeing your feedback. Our pastor, Tyler Armstrong, and media assistant, Tony Bush, will begin meeting to create a profile of our church and local area for candidates. This video sent to candidates, so they can get to know about us before the process deepens further.

We are still sticking to our current plan, which is to receive resumes until Sunday, March 31st. All resumes should be submitted to

If you have applied for this position, thank you for your continued patience with us as we continue this process. Our team is doing their due diligence to pray over and review all resumes.

Continue to pray for these things:
  • Wisdom and discernment for the search team. 
  • Unity among our faith family
  • The candidates who have already applied and will be applying for this position.
  • Pray for the candidates' families.

update: February 18th

We are pleased with how our search process has gone so far and we are so thankful for the team that the Lord and our church assembled. We have been hard at work developing a church profile to help us in our search for the Associate Pastor of worship and discipleship. On Sunday, February 25th, we will conduct a survey at the end of the worship service. You have until Sunday, March 3rd to turn in your survey, but we would LOVE to have it at the end of service. This survey is going to be utilized in the search as a tool to give us insight into our faith family's desires for this position while we seek out the Holy Spirit's guidance for the right man for this position. We do not view this survey as a mandate nor do we view it as a way to voice preferences regarding any particular aspects of the position.

Our plan currently is to receive resumes until Sunday, March 31st. This will be right at the 8 week time period that our opening has been posted. All resumes should be submitted to
Continue to pray for these things:
  • Wisdom and discernment for the search team. 
  • Unity among our faith family
  • The candidates who have already applied and will be applying for this position.
  • Pray for the candidates' families.

update: February 7th

The search process has officially begun! We are in the process of collecting resumes from various entities. All resumes should be submitted to We will be collecting resumes over the next few weeks. The search team is meeting regularly as this process begins. In the next few weeks, we will be conducting a congregational survey to help the team develop a profile for our church. This is important as we begin our search so that we can find, through the help of the Holy Spirit and the church, the right candidate for this position. Here are some things you can be praying for. 
  • Unity among the search team 
  • Unity among our faith family
  • The candidates who will be applying for this position